“I love cats because I enjoy my home;
and little by little, they become its visible soul.”
― Jean Cocteau
For the cat fanciers among us,
home isn’t home without our feline friends.
Curiosity, agility, whimsy, surprise and independence
all traipsing around on little cat feet.
photo courtesy of homes.yahoo.com
• • • Hide & Seek • • •
You know how cats like to
hide out in their secret places, like closets?
Here’s an idea I love for giving them
a hideout right in the mix of things:
photo courtesy of dornob.com
If you live in a small space, like a condo,
you have to make use of every square inch.
In a larger home, the space demands aren’t as urgent,
but the fun of this idea might be irresistible:
photo courtesy of storageandglee.blogspot.nl
• • • High-End Feline • • •
For the famously adept loungers,
a hammock coffee table offers
a whole new take on clean lines.
photo courtesy of supercoolpets.com
For those who live with cats,
work and love intersect at the desk.
Just about the time you want to sit down
and get something done,
your beloved feline wants to lounge on the desk,
in your lap, or better yet,
on your papers or keyboard.
To address the intersection of cats and work,
a designer from Hong Kong, RUAN Hao,
came up with the ultimate in
feline friendly desks, CATable:
photo courtesy of lycs-arc.com
As the designer describes it,
the desk speaks to both sides of the coin:
people who live with cats
perpetually have to get the cat off their laptop,
“like a sentimental ritual of temporary farewell,”
while “cats are irresistibly drawn to a proper sized hole”
– so the desk draws felines to explore the paths
inside the desk while leaving the humans
to work in peace.
“It is a table for us, and a paradise for cats.”
photo courtesy of lycs-arc.com
photo courtesy of lycs-arc.com
When the task turns to reading,
there’s nothing like a reading chair,
books, and a great cat perch.
photo courtesy of makethemroar.com
• • • Floating Kitty • • •
If you have cats,
especially indoor cats,
you know how much they love to climb.
If you give them a built environment
that lets them do what they are
born to do in trees and bushes,
they won’t be as likely to climb the drapes,
the furniture, or the humans.
A series of floating shelves, for example,
is fairly easy to execute, and does the trick beautifully.
It’s like the CATable — writ large.
photo courtesy of shirari.com
• • • Kitty Dreaming • • •
After charging around
in great bursts of frenetic energy,
every feline needs to rest up.
Why not a curved, floating shelf
with kitty mattress to match,
for adorable relaxation?
photo courtesy of shirari.com
While your felines are resting,
why shouldn’t you follow suit?
Here, a couple cat-inspired Spectacular Design bedrooms
for the cat lovers among us:
And a final note from the Master of Dreams,
who loved the mystery of cats
like he loved the unconscious:
photo courtesy of weheartit.com
For more cat inspiration, check out our Pinterest Board!
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