• • • Spring on the Verge of Summer • • •

Summer is rushing in,
and with it blooms, sunshine,
and fresh pickings.

Spring on the verge of Summer
— Yellow on the verge of Orange —

Paint it Marigold!

photo courtesy of artchive.com

photo courtesy of artchive.com

 Prolific, sturdy, and ruffled —
— marigolds are easy,
like laughter. 

photo courtesy of katepitner.com

photo courtesy of katepitner.com

Marigold is the freshness of yellow,
tiptoeing gingerly toward
the warmth of flame.

photos courtesy of tout-bon.com and bibliocolors.blogspot.com

photos courtesy of tout-bon.com and bibliocolors.blogspot.com

Marigold flowers used to be used
to give cheese a golden orange color.
Depending on its intensity
and the colors it is paired with,
marigold can range from
a whisper to a powder keg.

• • • Marigolds & Pinks • • •

Between camel and orange,
marigold plays well with pinks.

photo credit: akala-beach.tumblr.com and ryotakemasa.com

photo credit: akala-beach.tumblr.com and ryotakemasa.com

• • • Blues & Marigolds • • •

Floating in a field of blue,
marigold mellows into a regal calm
befitting the plant's use as
a topical herbal remedy
for soothing skin irritations.

photo courtesy of ymutate.tumblr.com

photo courtesy of ymutate.tumblr.com

Light, fresh and effervescent,
marigold can pack a punch
or mellow into mellifluous dreaming
as stately and elegant as
Wallace Simpson herself. 

photo courtesy of caravaggista.tumblr.com

photo courtesy of caravaggista.tumblr.com

For more marigold inspiration, check out our Pinterest board.

